The White Elephant In The Room – The Caucasian Minority

When I traveled to Asia the first time – on my honeymoon – I traveled to Singapore and Bali. It was a wonderful time and I enjoyed the culture, the people, the culinary arts and the time abroad a lot. Whenever possible I tried to engage with local people. This really gives me a better sense of what is going on in the country and I feel much less like a tourist. As someone who speaks four languages (and Continue Reading…

Japanese Gastropubs – The Izakaya

If you follow me on Instagram or on Facebook (If not shame on you!), you might have noticed that I fancy cooking all sorts of Asian foods. Chinese and Korean are the most dominant styles, but every now and then there’s some Japanese food too. It’s mainly ramen, as I love soup, but as with every Asian cuisine, there’s so much more to go for. In this article, I want to introduce to you do something you might not Continue Reading…

Lost in Asia: Tao on Tour Episode 4: Puri Dajuma Cottages

Several days ago we arrived in Bali (more about the trip here). So now, after several days at the Puri Dajuma Cottages, it was time for an about for my 4th episode of Tao on Tour. Welcome to the Puri Dajuma Cottages After a late arrival at the Puri Dajuma Cottages, but with a very warm and hearty welcome (and a delicious coconut-lime drink!), we had a few days to settle in. The complex, which is a very open Continue Reading…

Lost in Asia: Tao on Tour Episode 3: We are going to Bali

After a really outstanding couple of days in busy Singapore, it was time to move on. Moving on to something completely different, less busy, much more relaxed and very beautiful: Bali! Off to Bali When Singapore is your starting point, getting to Bali is fairly easy. You simply take a taxi and go to the airport of Changi, then, with a savoir-faire and a really relaxed manner, check in, walk around the airport and then board your plane. But Continue Reading…

Lost in Asia – Tao on Tour: Singapore Edition Part 2

I already shared my first experience in Singapore with you previously (read about it here). Today we will continue on this path, which will recap shortly the last few days in Singapore. Unlike many tourists, I didn’t really visit the typical attractions. The way I like discovering new places is by walking around and trying to get a feeling for the new country, town and the people. Lost in Space and Time but not in Translation Singapore is a Continue Reading…

Lost in Asia – Tao on Tour: Singapore Edition

For the first time in my life, I managed to make it to Asia. This is a special occasion for not only this reason. Besides being a first-time visit to Asia, it’s also my honeymoon, which makes this trip even more special and enjoyable. After a truly great wedding and a following day of fun, with packing and driving to and dining with friends, we shortly after or wedding headed to Singapore! Off to Singapore The flight was rather Continue Reading…

No Way Out III – A Gi and No-Gi BJJ Experience

It was again time for another tournament. I used the time since the last ones (read about it one of them here) to work on my skill set, diminish my flaws as good as possible and to get in an overall good and better shape. That’s why I signed up for the gi and no-gi tournament No Way Out III, which took place on the 7th May 2016. This time the road trip to the tournament was cut in two parts, Continue Reading…

Flanders BJJ Cup 2016

One of the key aspects about Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) is the fighting part, commonly referred to as “rolling”. For that reason BJJ training sessions consist not only of a warm-up phase and a part where techniques are studied but at the end there’s a part where you fight. This part is crucial as it gives you the chance to try to apply the techniques you just learned under much more realistic circumstances. That being said, competition in the gym is Continue Reading…

Plaza Culinaria 2015: mehr als nur Lust auf Genuss

Tanja, die auf diesem Blog als Chefredakteurin fungiert (Vielen Dank!), hatte bei einem Gewinnspiel der Kochzeitschrift Lust auf Genuss zwei Eintrittskarten für die Plaza Culinaria, eine kulinarische Erlebnis- und Verkaufsmesse in Freiburg, gewonnen. Das Besondere an dem Gewinn war, dass neben dem Eintritt zur Messe auch noch eine geführte Tour mit Anke Krohmer, der Chefredakteurin von Lust auf Genuss, inklusive war! Also ging es im vergangenen November, am 7. um genau zu sein, mit Lust auf Genuss zur Plaza Culinaria Continue Reading…