Protein Powder Apple Muffins
Servings Prep Time
20muffins 10minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
20muffins 10minutes
Cook Time
Dry Ingredients
Wet Ingredients
Baking Utensils
  1. Cut apples into small pieces and coat them with 1/2 a tsp of cinnamon.
  2. Pre-heat your oven to 180°C (circulation setting).
  3. Put all dry ingredients in a large bowl and mix well.
  4. Put soy milk and low fat curd cheese into a large bowl and mix until you have a smooth dough. Depending on your protein powder you might need to add a little more liquid or a little more protein powder until you reach the best consistency. The dough should slowly run off a spoon.
  5. Fill muffin liners halfway and add a few apple pieces each, then cover the apple pieces with more dough.
  6. Put muffins in the oven and bake for around 20 minutes until evenly golden brown. Enjoy!