Paleo Hazelnut Chocolate Fudge – A Low Carb Recipe

Lately, I’ve been craving chocolate a lot. As I am feeling great on my low carb diet (yummy cake, soup to name a few recipes) I was looking for a recipe that fits both criteria. I wasn’t very lucky when I glanced over a few on the Internet. Luckily my wife was! After a few tries and changes on the recipe, I’ll share with you what ended up being a delicious paleo hazelnut chocolate fudge – best served warm!

Chocolate Granola with nuts, an easy DIY

Over the past years, breakfast became an important part of my daily routine and nutrition. After trying out plenty of things, I ended up tasting several kinds of oats, müslis and granolas. In most cases, I really didn’t like them. They were too sweet or full with stuff I didn’t want to (i.e. unnecessary preservatives) or didn’t like to eat (i.e dried fruits mainly raisins and dates). So I started working on my own versions of granolas. This post is Continue Reading…

Crunchy Yoghurt with Raspberries

Crunchy yoghurt with raspberries will be the dessert of my fancy 3-course menu on a budget. You can find the main article here. See also the starter and the main course. Delhaize This article has been published in a collaboration with Delhaize. They sponsored the bigger part of the used ingredients. They set-up a challenge every month, outlining a few guidelines. For the June 2016 challenge, the guidelines are “Summer”. Furthermore, they ask to mainly use products of their home brand and set Continue Reading…

A Low Carb Oriental Beef Stew

Now, after the first snow has fallen, so have the temperatures. Next to my love for soups (not only while it’s cold outside) I developed a sort of addiction to all kinds of stews.That’s why I want to share a stew recipe with a little twist, an oriental beef stew.