Beef Mushroom Stew – Low Carb and Paleo Friendly

I keep adding stews to my recipe list. They are simply put the best and easiest things to cook in the culinary world. Unless you forgot that you put them on your stove you can basically not do anything wrong with them. This beef mushroom stew is no different. Thanks to some tomato sauce, bay leaves and fresh basil this stew has an Italian flair.

Red Mullet Salad, Spicy Basil Sauce And Cashew Omelette

On my quest to eat more fish and seafood, I walked through the fish aisle with my wife the other day. We had a look at what was available and stumbled over Senegalese red mullet. We both never had the chance to try it and bought some to give it a try. After some research and inspiration, I created a red mullet salad with a spicy basil sauce and a cashew omelette.

Spinach with Scallions, Sesame and More

After many Japanese and Chinese cuisine related recipes, I want to share something from another great Asian cuisine country. This time we are in Korea and I have an easy and delicious recipe for sigeumchi-namul (시금치 나물) for you. This is blanched spinach with scallions and sesame.

Low Carb Tagliatelle with Salmon and Mushrooms

In my quest to eat more fish and seafood I was looking for a low carb recipe that made me happy. Salmon is one of my favourite fishes out there and I managed to get a very good filet. Besides that, I have deepened my love of and for the fungi kingdom, so this recipe contains plenty of mushrooms too. As I wanted to make this an Italian style dish pasta was needed. That’s how I came up with Continue Reading…

Low Carb Duck Breast with Spaghetti and Cream

After having made a couple of great deals while grocery shopping, I ended up with plenty of delicious ingredients that needed to be converted into an adequate recipe. After having looked at my fridge I decided to make a low carb version of an Italian inspired spaghetti carbonara with duck breast. I hope you enjoy the recipe of my low carb duck breast with spaghetti and cream as much as I did creating it!

Low Carb Steak Cheeseburger with Tostones, Salad and Guacamole – Pirate Edition

Cheeseburgers are definitely one of my favorite things to make and eat. The level of detail and finesse to make a great hamburger is way over 9000. Unfortunately most people haven’t got the memo yet and eat tasteless cheeseburgers from boring fast food chains. As I managed to get some amazing beef patties I figured it was time for a new cheeseburger recipe: my low carb steak cheeseburger with tostones, salad and guacamole (pirate edition).

Shredded Chicken Ramen – A Low Carb Soup

I am a huge fan of soups and shredded chicken. That’s why I shared recipes with those ingredients with you in the past (in case you missed it Low Carb Shredded Chicken Soup, delicious ramen done with my tea cooker). As I enjoy ramen in particular I figured it was time to share a shredded chicken ramen recipe with you. This is a low carb soup.

Surf and Turf with purée and guacamole

This recipe is the main course of my Delhaize Luxembourg sponsored healthy 2-course menu on a tight budget for two people. As the main course I created a delicious surf and turf dish with a sweet potato purée and a guacamole. Here you’ll find the links to the main article and the starter.

Creamy Mushroom Soup with Chestnuts

My creamy mushroom soup with chestnuts is the starter of my 3-course menu for Christmas. It works in the menu but also as a delicious wintery dish on a stand-alone basis. I have a main article with the complete 3-course menu for you here. Also here are the links to the main dish (Beef Wellington with mushrooms and chestnuts) and the dessert (eclair with chestnut cream). Delhaize This article has been published in a collaboration with Delhaize. They sponsored Continue Reading…

Beef Wellington with mushrooms and chestnuts

Beef Wellington with mushrooms and chestnuts is the main dish of my 3-course menu for Christmas. It works in the menu but also as a delicious winter dish on a stand-alone basis. I have a main article with the complete 3-course menu for you here. Also here are the links to the starter (creamy mushrooms soup with chestnuts) and the dessert (eclair with chestnut cream). Delhaize This article has been published in a collaboration with Delhaize. They sponsored the Continue Reading…