Lost in Asia – Tao on Tour: Singapore Edition

For the first time in my life, I managed to make it to Asia. This is a special occasion for not only this reason. Besides being a first-time visit to Asia, it’s also my honeymoon, which makes this trip even more special and enjoyable. After a truly great wedding and a following day of fun, with packing and driving to and dining with friends, we shortly after or wedding headed to Singapore!

Singapore Calling

Singapore Calling

Off to Singapore

The flight was rather well, but it’s always tiring. I tried to upgrade us to business, but even with some honeymoon hints we couldn’t. Too expensive and the business class was full anyhow. Well, it was worth asking.

The first thing we did when we landed was to go to the butterfly gardens in the airport in Singapore. Worth a visit if you end up there. We arrived basically next to it, so we had a quick look and enjoyed the view.

Butterfly Garden Singapore Airport

Butterfly Garden Singapore Airport

As we were hungry we had some quick breakfast at the airport too. I started my soup journey

Noodles Soup

Noodles Soup

and went for my first soup in Singapore. It was a good start and I was looking for more great food to come. But I had no idea how vast the possibilities would be.

Life on Orchard Road

We checked in at our hotel on Orchard Road and went for a little side-seeing. The first impressions we had were great and we went for some lunch and of course more soup.

Won Ton Soup

Won Ton Soup

The impressions you get while walking around on Orchard Road are amazing. The street is very vibrant and there’s a lot to see and try out there

After a quick stop back at the hotel and some exercising to get rid of the airplane-rust, it was time to go back and discover the area more.

Lost on Orchard Road

While Orchard Roach is merely one small piece of the puzzle of Singapore, it is a fun one. I this point I was just strolling around, walking in and out of the different malls, having fruits here and there.

At one point, being hungry again from all the walking, I saw a group of locals coming out of a side street. I was curious and went in there. After a few steps, I was at the food court. Food courts are everywhere in Singapore, as the locals love to eat. In those courts, you have all kinds of Asian foods.

I went for a DIY soup stand. You pick a bowl and grab the items you want in your soup. I took a few greens and plenty of stuff I had never seen. I can honestly say that I didn’t know what I ate that evening, but it was great and cheap!

DIY Soup

DIY Soup

In this hall, I was literally the only non-Asian person and everyone kept staring at me. I have to admit, it felt a little weird being the odd one out. Usually, this doesn’t happen to a white male. But then again, I always stand out – not matter what, when or where 😀

I hope you enjoyed this post. Share your thoughts in the comments section!

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