I recently finished reading the book “LOVE YOURSELF LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT“. It’s a short and neatly written book about positive self-talk. If you’re into this kind of work, you’ll enjoy this read.
Bottom Line: love yourself. Tell yourself over and over again ‘I love you.’
If you know anything about NLP and positive self-talk, then you know that this works.
Those tiny positive changes make huge differences. The best part of it is, that it works despite you believing it. Practice it and see what happens over the course of a couple of days, weeks and months.
I did something similar a few years ago. I started smiling more; in general, at myself and at others. This form of love felt rather odd to me at first. And yet, at point people’s behaviour towards me started to change.
It changed from looks of puzzlement and confusion to people genuinely smiling back. On top of that, more and more random people initiated short conversations with me. Since then I had many friendly conversations that keep enriching my life.
You can read this book in one sitting. Or page by page during your commute. Or, instead of scrolling through so social media, read a book in the bathroom. If you don’t feel like buying the book, then simply repeat the mantra ‘I love you’ over and over again. It doesn’t cost you a thing.
Either way, practice kindness towards yourself and start living a life of love. If you are intrigued, here’s a link to the book: Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It