Mindfulness can reduce exhaustion from lack of enough sleep – Short Tao

Sleep is important and unfortunately for many different reasons, at times, we aren’t getting enough. Maybe you just got your first baby and have sleepless nights, or it’s a broken relationship that keeps you awake. Or you’re a busy entrepreneur who’s working hard to get things up and running. Either way, sleep or rather the lack of it impacts our health negatively. One of the things that can be done to reduce exhaustion, besides more sleep, is a regular mindfulness practice. Continue Reading…

Walnuts are good for your health and your microbiome – Short Tao

n a study done by the University of Illinois College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences researchers found that eating 42 grams of walnuts resulted in reduced LDL levels (the cholesterol you want to have lower, HDL you want to be on the higher side) and also impacted your gut. Continue Reading…

VLCD Resistance Training Benefits – Short Tao

In a recent study published in the Clinical Nutrition Journal this has been the conclusion of a 12-week loong protein supplemented treatment on obese patients. The patients undergoing the resistance training (3 days a week) showed positive effects on the resting metabolism (RM) and the overall muscular funtion compared to the control groups. Continue Reading…

High-Protein is the key to weight loss – Short Tao

Are you looking to change your body composition and shed some body fat? If you do, chances are that you are on a low-carb diet. I read a study that checked why low-carb diets seem to be working well to manipulate your body composition. The result might surprise you. What they concluded after having researched on 132 participants, is that the key part is being on a high-protein diet. They compared high-protein diets with low carb and normal carbs, Continue Reading…