Lost in Asia: Tao on Tour Episode 4: Puri Dajuma Cottages

Several days ago we arrived in Bali (more about the trip here). So now, after several days at the Puri Dajuma Cottages, it was time for an about for my 4th episode of Tao on Tour. Welcome to the Puri Dajuma Cottages After a late arrival at the Puri Dajuma Cottages, but with a very warm and hearty welcome (and a delicious coconut-lime drink!), we had a few days to settle in. The complex, which is a very open Continue Reading…

Lost in Asia: Tao on Tour Episode 3: We are going to Bali

After a really outstanding couple of days in busy Singapore, it was time to move on. Moving on to something completely different, less busy, much more relaxed and very beautiful: Bali! Off to Bali When Singapore is your starting point, getting to Bali is fairly easy. You simply take a taxi and go to the airport of Changi, then, with a savoir-faire and a really relaxed manner, check in, walk around the airport and then board your plane. But Continue Reading…