The Power of Breath: How to Manage Pain

My intention for this article is to share how I handled a physically stressful and painful situation. I hope it will help you to learn from my mistakes and make the most of my failure. To make a long story short: breath was the key to handle such a situation and is a useful tool to manage pain and stress. Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor and I don’t play one on the internet. This article does not Continue Reading…

Box Breathing – A Practical Way To Reduce Stress

Constant stress quickly becomes a chronic problem in the lives of people. All the rushing, buzzing and business make it difficult to calm down and relax properly. And yet, this downtime is very important for your health and your well-being. If you ever felt fear or angst, one thing your surroundings might have suggested is to “take a breath”. This is a healthy advice, as you tend to stop breathing properly during those times. In this article, I share Continue Reading…