How to be confident in the gym

Gyms are crowed in January. New Year’s resolutions often emphasize an increased physical activity. For many this means going back to the gym after a longer break, for others it might be the first time they visit one ever. This can be very daunting and even scary at first. This article will show you how to be confident in the gym. For starters, you might not know how to use the equipment properly or what to actually do in Continue Reading…

Don’t do cardio for weight loss and what to do instead

You read that right. Don’t do cardio for weight loss. It sounds atrocious to many people and trainers out there. And there’s a good reason for that. Doing cardio for weight loss initially seems to work, it’s simple and easy, doesn’t take much of an investment and as a trainer, it is stupidly easy to program. I want to share more on what I learned about the human physiology and weight loss in the course of this article.