4 reasons why you aren’t losing body fat
This article will tackle 4 reasons why you aren’t losing body fat. I’ll share what behaviour can stall your weight loss. Continue Reading…
This article will tackle 4 reasons why you aren’t losing body fat. I’ll share what behaviour can stall your weight loss. Continue Reading…
In the previous parts of this series we went on a crash diet weight loss journey, during which we lost 5kg of body weight and had a closer look how and why crash diets are bad for your health. Then I showed you how to lose weight in a healthy way. In the last part of this series, I want to give you a few ingredients to create your own successful weight loss protocol. What you’ll learn at a Continue Reading…
In part 1 and 2 of this series, we went on a crash diet weight loss journey, during which we lost 5kg of body weight and had a closer look how and why crash diets are bad for your health and possibly could ruin your metabolism.
If you haven’t read them yet, you can find it here: 1 and 2. Part 3 will show you how to lose weight the right way. Continue Reading…
In part 1 of this series we went on a crash diet weight losss journey, during which we lost 5kg of body weight. If you haven’t read it yet, you can find it here.
Part 2 will focus on your metabolism, how and why your rebound with the yo-yo effect and show you why crash dieting is bad for your overall. health. Continue Reading…
There are many reasons why people go on a diet. Maybe for the upcoming holiday, general beach body season, a wedding or because they know that they could shed a few kilos.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. It is rather the contrary case, losing excess fat will be beneficial for your health (1, 2). The means to get there, on the other hand, aren’t always healthy nor are they sustainable. That what we will discuss in this article series: the crash diet. Continue Reading…